Second Trimester Favourites
Relaxing at home in my favourite Arq underwear
Where does the time go? As I enter into my third trimester of pregnancy, I truly cannot believe how quickly this time has gone by!
How is this blissful second trimester of pregnancy gone so soon?! I almost forgot those first trimester days of nausea and exhaustion from a few months ago. If you are familiar with the usual tropes of pregnancy the second trimester is famous for being the golden time and for me this was entirely true. My energy came back, food tasted good again and nausea subsided, it truly felt like magic.
The second trimester begins in week 14 of pregnancy and lasts through the end of week 27. The baby grows from approximately the size of a navel orange to the size of a cabbage within these few weeks. If you haven’t already, most folks get the pop of their pregnancy belly and start to feel baby’s movements during this time. This trimester has been an incredible experience and I feel more comfortable and confident in my changing body and growing babe each day. Here are some of my favourite products from the second trimester:
To Wear
ARQ High Rise Undies: Having comfortable undergarments really became a priority in this phase of growth. I needed something that was comfortable for my current body but I could also use to expand into as my pregnancy progressed. These underwear were the perfect solution. Made of thick organic cotton, they are comfortable and non restrictive without feeling loose or baggy. I love their high waist and colour combinations. Arq also makes lovely cotton bras and tank tops as well but I prefer to get my bras from Secrets From Your Sister. I find the selection, attention to detail and customer service at SFYS is unparalleled, they do an incredible job.
BLANQI Maternity Belly Support Leggings: I ordered these tights and kind of regret not getting a second pair, shipping and duties to Canada are a literal nightmare so I have to make this one pair last. I love how the fabric is thick and high waisted. They are compression tights but don’t feel restrictive or claustrophobic, I find these super helpful on days when I’m working on my feet all day to avoid any swelling or pelvic pain that may arise. They’ve been great for working, hiking and just hanging out on the couch. I also hear these are great for postpartum support too.
To Nourish
For Two Tea by Rosewood and Silver: Hand crafted organic teas made by friend and Registered Herbalist Melanie Hill. This tea blend is intended for prenatal and postpartum and it’s so delicious. Made with a blend of herbs used to nourish, support and tonify the uterus and nervous system like Nettle, Oatstraw, Alfalfa and Peppermint. This tea is warming, nourishing and the perfect drink to get me through the midday slump
Citrus: I love this time of year for the fresh, juicy citrus fruits like blood oranges, clementines and ruby red grapefruit. I find in the winter these fruits really and add a brightness to my days of soups, stews and heartier dishes. This year it feels almost insatiable, I’ve been going through boxes of clementines weekly and savouring each bite. This is actually quite a common pregnancy craving and old wives tales attribute craving citrus to having a baby girl (obviously this is a myth, but funny anyhow). It may be the tartness of these fruits that can shock our altered taste buds or the abundance of vitamin C to help support stress and immunity while pregnant. Either way, it’s one of the only cravings I've really noticed and I’m sticking with it. Here is a link to a great citrus recipe I’ve been loving these days
a few of my favourite things for the second trimester
Self Care
F. Miller Hair Oil: This is the first time my hair has really decided to go for it. It’s feeling long, thick and luscious these days and I intend to keep it that way. I’ve been loving, nourishing the ends of my hair with this hair oil straight from the shower. It’s protective and hydrating without feeling too heavy or greasy. I highly recommend it for all hair types out there.
Prenatal Workouts: After the fog of the first trimester, I’ve been really loving getting back into working out. Not only does moving my body feel good both physically and mentally, it helps me to prepare for a healthy labour, delivery and postpartum recovery. I’ve found some great videos from Kale and Krunches and Yoga with Adriene and have taken a few private classes with my sister to focus on specific aches and pains.
To Read
Why Did No One Tell Me This: The Doulas Honest Guide For Expectant Parents
by Natalia Hailes, Ash Spivak Illustrated by Louise Reimer
When my belly started growing and I started to feel kicks, things suddenly became real and I wanted to know how to prepare myself for birth, postpartum and recovery. This book helps to break down the doubts and fears that often surround the childbirth experience, empowering readers to explore their own individual needs, know their rights, and find their voice both during and after pregnancy. This book also includes beautiful illustrations, tips for partners and provides information on a wide array of birth and parenting styles. I think this would be a great gift for an expecting family.
If you are looking to start your family planning journey or more information on fertility, conception and pregnancy. Make sure to check out my newest workshop Body Positive Pregnancy! Follow this link for more details, information and to get your tickets!