Black Lives Matter: How to Support our Black Communities

In light of the ongoing racial injustice that is happening globally, I have decided to dedicate this week and my voice to share ways we can support and uphold our Black communities in Toronto and Canada. The ongoing, unnessicary deaths of black people in North America need to be stopped. As someone of privilege with a voice and a platform it is my responsibility to speak up and share what is right.

Working within the body liberation framework, I know that my work would not be possible without the countless Black womxn who have fought for radical body positivity and liberation before me. In acknowledgement of their work I will be sharing exclusively black content all week. It is my belief that we as privileged white folks, need to do the work to share and support these communities. Let’s start my supporting these non-profit organizations.

I’ve created this list of incredible local resources to help encourage funding to these powerful and essential programs. I believe it is my responsibility to share and raise awareness. Follow the links to find a program that resonates with you and donate! 

Black Lives Matter: Freedom School: The purpose of the project is to respond to a lack of humanizing, self-affirming, queer positive educational opportunities for Black children in the GTA. 

Black Creek Community Farm: Works to inspire the next generation by providing leadership in food justice, and supporting diverse natural and social ecosystems.

Afri-Can Food basket: The Afri-Can Food Basket is a community based non-profit organization that has been at the forefront of championing Food Justice and Food Sovereignty for Toronto’s African, Caribbean, Black (ACB) community since 1995.

Dr. Roz’s Healing Place: This facility helps people to recover from violence and trauma through an integrative and holistic approach and provides free, confidential emergency crisis and care to all those who identify as women, children, and youth emerging from abusive relationships access to a safe living environment

Stella's Place: A place for young adults in Toronto, aged 16 to 29, who are experiencing mental health challenges get access to the support they need. Community building and peer support is a core service so that young adults can get guidance and coaching from those who have lived experience. 

BLAC: Black Legal Action Center: BLAC delivers legal aid services to low and no income black Ontarians. They work to combat individual and systemic anti-Black racism by providing legal representation, engaging in test case litigation and giving public legal information sessions to members of the public and other community agencies. 

Harriet Tubman Community Organization: Provides culturally relevant and responsive youth co-created development programs and initiatives for young people of African descent 

Black Health Alliance: Works to reduce the racial disparities in health outcomes and promote health and well-being for people from the diverse Black communities in Canada with emphasis on the broad determinants of health, including racism.

Inner City Outreach: Transforming inner city neighbourhoods through mentorship, education and community development.

If you have other community organizations that you think would be a great fit for this list email them to or find me on instagram @hello.franallen.