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In The Flow: Holistic Menstrual Care

Join Holistic Nutritionist and Skin Therapist Fran Allen and Registed Massage Therapist Jamie Boer as we share our non-diet, Health at Every Size approach to balancing hormones. During this 90 minute workshop, we will go into detail about every phase of our hormone cycle and offer holistic ways to manage painful symptoms and balance hormones. We will be sharing our top food, lifestyle, herbal and self massage recomendations to easily manage symptoms at home. 

This workshop is ideal for folks who: 

  • Want to manage menstral or ovulation symptoms like painful cramping, mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating,fatigue or cravings 

  • Are on or starting their fertitliy journey 

  • Want a deeper connection to their homrone cycle 

  • Folks who are looking to transition off of the pill 

What will you learn

  • Each phase of our menstrual cycle 

  • Foods to support your cycle 

  • Four things that can harm a healthy cycle 

  • How to track your cycle and what to look for 

  • How certain muscles contribute to painful pms 

  • Massage techniques you can do at home to improve your period pain

  • And more!!

There will be time to answer questions and all guests will leave with a digital mini course to keep and use at home!